ABC about you questions:A - AVAILABLE: No.
B - BIRTHDAY: 10 Novemeber.
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Lemon Barley
W - WORST HABIT: I dont know ;D
Y - YOYOS ARE: for boys =)
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio
Random Questions About You:What colour do you wear most: Black , white , pink , orange :)
What are you listening to: Listening to teacher talk.
Are you happy with your life right now: Yes !
Favourites pair of shoes: Dont know :D
Where do you wish you were right now: I wish i'm with Boyfriend now ;D
THE CANS:Can you dance: Cannot
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: No.
Can you whistle: Abit.
Can Write with both hands: Cannot.I can only write with my left hand.
Can Walk with your toe curled: No idea.
THE DO'S:Do you believe there is life on other planets: Maybe.
Do you believe in miracles: Yes.
Do you believe in magic: Maybe .
Do you believe Love at first sight: Yes.
Do you think there's a Satan: Maybe.
Do you believe in Santa: No.
Do you know how to swim: Yes.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: Don't know.
THE HAVES:Have you ever been on a plane: No.
Have you ever asked someone out: Yes.
Have you ever been asked out by someone: Yes.
Have you ever been to the ocean: No .
Have you ever painted your nails: Nope.
THE Ws:What is the temperature outside: Dont know.
What radio station do you listen to: 93.3 , 97.2
What was the last restaurant you ate at: KFC ?
What was the last thing you bought: Nasi Lemak.
Who was the last person you took a picture of:boyfriend
CRYING SECTION:Ever really cried your heart out: Yes.
Ever cried yourself to sleep: No.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: No.
Ever cried over the opposite sex: Yes.
Do you cried when you get an injury: No lah !
Do certain songs make you cry: Yes.
HAPPY SECTION:Are you a happy person: Yeahs.
What can make you happy: Be with Boyfriend
Do you wish you were happier: Emm , i wish i were happier.
Can music make you happy: Yeahs , Some ?
LOVE SECTION:How many times have you had your heart broken: No comments.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them: No.
LOOK AT ME.What's your current hair colour: little brown.
Current piercings: 17.
Have any tattos: No.
Eye colour: brown.
IN GIRLS.Favorite eye color: Brown.
Height: 165
Best clothing: Don't know.
HAVE YOU EVER.Been to jail: Definitely no.
Mooned someone: ??.
Thrown up in a store: No.
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: Noopee.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
THIS OR THAT.Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King:McDonald's
Single or Group Dates: Single .
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.
Meat or Veggies: Both.But veggies more.
TV or Movie: Both.
Guitar or Drums: Guitar,
Tag 15 people to do this quiz:1. Baby 2. Melissa3. Wei san4. Shelly5. Jocelyn6. Justerini7. Sebastian8. Shu lUan9. Meiyin 10. Shu Yun11. Sylvia12. Jeslynn13. Pherenice14. Xiaotong15. Adeline